Monday, January 12, 2009

Boy vs Girl Treadmill Sprint Test... Ready... Start your Treadmills...

Tonight I saw a familiar face that I haven't seen in a while, and I was approached, more so challenged with the idea of running aside him for his treadmill workout of the night..I couldn't resist... it should be known that this guy usually comes in full force to workout... I haven't ever really seen a "boring" or "pale" workout from him, and I usually say, oh that looks pretty cool..secretly I ask myself could I do that.. and half of the time, no... Most of the time I answer myself and say, ah.. NO.... so like any competitive filled and drived person, I said Bring It!! ... well not those words exactly, but something of the sort was said in my head :)
The hardest part of the night was getting two treadmills next to each other to keep each other honest... THE workout: seemed simple enough... start at a reasonable faster pace... he was at 9.0, I started at 7.0. This felt pretty easy, so I was suggested to move it up to 8.0. We run at this speed for a minute, then have a minute of rest. Then up the standards... he moved to 9.1, I moved to 8.1... run for a minute, minute off... move up to 9.2, I went to 8.2 and so forth.....
Being that I have been really working on my base training, I am sure this is against all Ironman programs, but it gave me the opportunity to try to actually have fun on the treadmill.. go figure...I just said that.. I had fun on the treadmill... I just kept saying in my head... we all need sprint work, we all need sprint work..I just kept trucking along, knowing the full workout is up to 20 minutes of sprints.. I decided to call it quits at 9.5... But knowing he was going to stop at his half way mark... and that I do have this race in under 300 days.. I was happy for doing this for the first time... One day I will surely have to try it for the full 20...
It was a great change of pace... really.. but tomorrow starts all over.. a quality run of 5-6 miles is back on the schedule, along with a long swim... and my "sprint days" are gone faster than a blink of my eye... at least when I think back, I can keep humming... anything you can do I can do (better?).... at least somethings :)


Big Daddy Diesel said...

HAHAHA, I can just picture the 2 of you going at it. I think I will just enjoy the show while keep chugging along at my slow pace.