Friday, October 17, 2008

Let the Journey Begin.

October. 2008.

I have been trying to get a night or a day... who am I kidding, a minute to start this Blog, and after many events have been occuring, I thought there is no time like the present. So here goes. I welcome all readers, whether you may be my family and friends, teammates, co-workers, or just the causual stoper.. THANK YOU for visiting. I hope to develop this to a great site for many to enjoy along this great journey..

I'm not even sure what I should write, but I know there will be many days when I will say enough is enough. However, tonight is a beautiful fall night. I had the MOST amazing 90 minute long Spinning "Race Day" with Angie, and after on my way home I decided I need to start this tonight..I sit in my lost but oh so happy to be found slippers, and try to present the past year to all of you through pictures, quotes, and songs. These pictures have been accumliated from races like Tri for Joe, to the most recent in Chicago and Portage Lakes. I have turned to yet a new door, to a new Journey.... Ironman, Louisville Kentucky, August 30, 2009

Again, I thank you for visiting, write something so I know you were here, and hope you sit back, relax, and enjoy this journey with me!