** There is a tv... even though this early there is nothing really on..
** I have a fan if I get too hot.. and I'm not speaking of those that are working
out.. even though those members are VERY appreciated!
** I have access to the bathroom if need be... No need to pop a squat.. or wonder
if u get back.
**I CAN'T GET LOST :) :) :) and ga-ra-un-teed to get those miles in !
This was yesterday.. and in reality.. it really did go good.
Looking at the forecast for tomorrow: First just cold.. then cold with 100% chance of precipitation and mix of rain and snow.. so I bit the bullet straight on and decided to do my long run of the week... 9-10 miles... Outside.
Like inside, there are pro's.. such as you don't really see the same thing twice.. unless you get lost, and it is a nice breeze.. even if it is turning your whole body beat read, and your hair gets wet -- no Frozen.. AMAZING if you feel tingles and drops of sweat hit your nose... Check out all the clothes that were needed to keep this big bone body (not the F word.. right Mary) warm..
Here: Long Full Leg Spandies ( love em ), my supportage, my dry fit tank, my dry fit long sleeve, my long sleeve t, my reg t, my fleece, two pairs of socks, one new pair of shorts, my Power Gel wrapper.. (just for you El Grande), and um, a pair of gloves and head wrap are in there some where.

My favorite part of today.. EATING MY POWER GEL! Craziest thing.. but since it was so cold at pre-8 am, I think part of the gel started to freeze.. and I laughed, because when I ate it.. I was right by an ice-cream store... and I thought.. THIS IS IRONMAN ICE CREAM! haha, ok that is a stretch, but because I have never had one that cold, it actualy was really yummy at that moment.
And even though I got lost again, (ha, yes Seriously).. I CAN say it is over for the weekend, and I can rest tomorrow...
TO TOP IT ALL OFF: I was featured in the GOTR Newsletter, and it can only keep growing from here: Check it out.. roll call.. sha-booey. GOTR
Cheers to a normal?! weekend!
Ironman Ice Cream??? I like it! Training outside in the winter can be hard to do..But if you ever need a running partner let me know ;)
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